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Swissmetal has completed the second consultation phase and will have implemented the announced restructuring by the end of November

On 30th October Swissmetal completed the consultation process with the result that by the end of November, 105 jobs will be cut and 26 notices of change will be issued at the Swiss sites in Reconvilier and Dornach in the second and final phase of the restructuring announced for 2007.

These measures are closely associated with the industrial restructuring of Swissmetal implemented in 2005 and now well advanced. The centralisation of the foundry activities, the set-up of the new extrusion press in Dornach, and the consolidation of the two Swissmetal plants in Reconvilier into one plant planned for 2008 are directed towards making production highly efficient and the company profitable on the long term.

The job losses will be handled as socially acceptable as possible. There is a redundancy scheme for the employees affected by the job losses. Furthermore, Swissmetal offers advisory services to the employees affected.

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