Swissmetal proposes open dialogue regarding the outlook for integration at Reconvilier Dornach - Reconvilier, 9 February 2006 Following talks with employee delegations and clients as well as a series of internal consultations and analyses, the Swissmetal Board of Directors has revised its view of the overall situation. It has come to the following conclusions:
The determination of overall strategy and organization is the responsibility of the Swissmetal Board of Directors and cannot be negotiated with employee representative bodies, works councils, trade unions, local politicians or any other third parties.
The Board of Directors reaffirms that it is standing by the strategy announced back in November 2005, and its three cornerstones: Operational excellence in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Switzerland: Comprehensive investment programme at both Swiss sites, Dornach and Reconvilier, focus on capacity-sensitive hot forming, optimization of finishing processes, etc. Consolidation within Europe: To systematically exploit opportunities to expand to 4-5 locations in Europe in order to benefit from industrial synergies, especially on the hot-forming production side and in global distribution. Presence in Asia: Establishing operations in Asia to increase the range of products and services on offer to clients in what is the largest growth region for Swissmetal.